Iron Objects from Bagaevka Settlement (Part II)


  • Leonard F. Nedashkovsky Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University
  • Marat B. Shigapov Povolzhskaya Archeologiya LLC



archaeology, rural settlements, the Golden Horde, Bagaevka settlement, material culture, iron ware


Individual types of iron ware from Bagaevka ancient village of the second half of 13th–14th centuries located in the periphery of the Golden Horde city of Ukek in Saratovsky District of Saratov Oblast are analyzed in the paper. The ancient village was excavated during an expedition by Kazan University under the supervision of L.F. Nedashkovsky in 2002–003, 2006-2012, 2014–2016 and 2020–2021. The area of the monument is 5.1 hectares, and the thickness of the cultural layer in some places exceeds 90 cm. Numismatic finds from the site belong to the Golden Horde coinage of the last quarter of the 13th - the beginning of the 1360s. The paper considers iron nails, braces, shackles, needles, awls, petioles, wire fragment, chain link, tweezers, tool fragment, debarker, sickle, fishing hook, scythe fragments, saws and other undefined ware. This complex characterizes the material culture of the Golden Horde village of the Lower Volga region.


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How to Cite

Nedashkovsky , L. F. ., & Shigapov , M. B. . (2022). Iron Objects from Bagaevka Settlement (Part II). Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (3), 288–294.



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