Finds of Coins, Minted in Medieval Mukhshi City on the Majar Settlement and Sites of Its Nearest District


  • Sergei G. Bocharov Sevastopol State University
  • Yuri D. Obukhov Kalmyk State University



archaeology, Golden Horde, Golden Horde city of Majar, Majar settlement, Golden Horde city of Mukhshi, Narovchat settlement, numismatics, coins of Mukhshi mintage, trade relations


The authors consider the archaeological evidence of the finds of coins minted in the farthest northwestern city of the Golden Horde – Mukhshi, in the cultural layers of the main Golden Horde center in the North Caucasus – the Majar settlement and one of the sites of its nearest district. In 2016 the excavation XII was made for the studying of the central part of the Majar settlement. Two silver coins minted in the city of Mukhshi were found in the cultural layer of this excavation. The third coin was revealed during the archaeological research of the barrow 8 of the Pokoynoye 2 burial ground, located in the nearest district of the city. All the found coins belong to the time of the reign of Khan Uzbek.


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How to Cite

Bocharov , S. G., & Obukhov , Y. D. (2022). Finds of Coins, Minted in Medieval Mukhshi City on the Majar Settlement and Sites of Its Nearest District . Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (6), 97–104.



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