Stone Inventory of Burials of Ekaterinovsky Cape Burial Ground


  • Arkadii I. Korolev Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education. L.Tolstoy St., 47, Samara, 443010, Samara, Russian Federation
  • Anna F. Kochkina Samara Region Alabin Museum of History and Local Lore. Leninskaya Str., 142, Samara, 443041, Russian Federation
  • Dmitriy A. Stashenkov Samara Region Alabin Museum of History and Local Lore. Leninskaya Str., 142, Samara, 443041, Russian Federation



archaeology, Samara Volga region, Eneolithic, Samara culture, Ekaterinovsky cape, burial equipment, stone products, adzes, maces, flint blades.


The burial ground without mounds Ekaterinovsky Cape, located in the forest-steppe zone of the left bank of the Samara Volga region, was studied in 2013–2018, when 100 burials of the Eneolithic, 69 of them with accompanying equipment were excavated. Distribution of burial inventory was uneven, in some burials it was represented by one object while in the others it was more numerous. When analyzing stone products, attention is drawn to their location in burials, the degree of preservation, the combination of different categories of inventory in one burial. Stone products include adzes, knife-shaped blades and flakes, rings, beads, arrow-heads and their blanks, the tops of scepters and maces. The most numerous stone products are adzes: 63 copies were found in 35 burials. They are represented by whole and specially damaged items, separate large fragments, numerous fragments from one tool. Regularities were revealed in the arrangement of the burial inventory. Adzes mainly were found in the area of the head, shoulders and arms, more often on the right, less often in the chest, abdomen, hip joints, near the hips. Knife-shaped blades were laid in a similar way and near the left knee joint. Maces and scepters were located near the skull, in the area of the shoulders, chest, pelvis. One buried person had a dart-head found in his legs; in another burial a cluster of points was located in the pelvis of the skeleton. The proximity of the inventory and some ritual features of burials with elongated and twisted bones is noted. The special proximity of the materials of the burial grounds of Ekaterinovsky Cape and S’ezzhee and some similarities with the Khvalynsk burial grounds are emphasized. The materials of the Ekaterinovsky Cape burial ground belong to the Samara culture.


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How to Cite

Korolev , A. I. ., Kochkina , A. F. ., & Stashenkov , D. A. . (2023). Stone Inventory of Burials of Ekaterinovsky Cape Burial Ground . Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (1), 288–300.



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