The Complex of Paired Burial of the 9-10 Barbashinsky Burial Ground (from the excavations of B.A. Latynin) in the Chronology System of the Mordovian Antiquities of the Golden Horde Period


  • Дмитрий Александрович Козлов Research Institute for the Humanities under the Government of the Republic of Mordovia. L. Tolstogo St., 3, Saransk, Republic of Mordovia, 430005, Russian Federation



archaeology, Golden Horde time, Samara, the Mordva, Barbashinsky burial ground, B.A. Latynin, Uzbek Khan, Sarley belts, quiver hook, bracelet, sulgama.


The materials of burials 9 and 10 of the Barbashinsky burial ground, obtained in 1935 during excavations under the direction of B.A. Latynin, are considered in the paper. These are the burials of a woman and a man – a pair complex. They contain numerous items: jewelry, household items and weapons. In addition to other jewelry, in the female burial 9 there is a rather rare silver ring, which has analogies in the northern Russian lands. In the male grave 10 in addition to other objects, details and fragments of a belt set were found that have analogies in other Mordovian burial complexes (the Sarleian version of the Golden Horde belt sets). Quiver hook was also found within the male grave. The hook has prototypes in the Askiz culture of Southern Siberia and is the development of such products in the Golden Horde. The author uses numerous analogies to determine the life time of people and the period of receipt of things found in burials. Based on the statistical patterns of the distribution of belt sets in Mordovian burial grounds, it is concluded that buried people had a high status. When comparing the chronology of the complex and the events of the 1st half – the middle of the XIV century, an assumption is made about the participation of men in military companies of this time. The paired burial 9–10 of the Barbashinsky burial ground (1935) is one of the best preserved and chronologically important complexes of the Mordovian people during the Golden Horde time.


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How to Cite

Козлов , Д. А. (2023). The Complex of Paired Burial of the 9-10 Barbashinsky Burial Ground (from the excavations of B.A. Latynin) in the Chronology System of the Mordovian Antiquities of the Golden Horde Period. Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (1), 301–313.



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