Floodplain Settlements of the Western Trans-Kama in the 11th – Early 15th Centuries and the Nomads


  • Konstantin A. Rudenko Kazan State Institute of Culture




archaeology, Volga Bolgaria, Bolgars, Guzes, Kipchaks, Golden Horde


The paper addresses the issues related to the formation of the settlement structure in the floodplain of the lower reaches of the Kama river in the 11th – early 15th centuries and the role played by nomads in this process. The author suggests that the structure of settlements in this region of Volga Bolgaria which developed in the second half of the 10th century was severely disrupted as a result of the Bulgaro-Guz and then the Bulgaro-Kipchak confrontation at the end of the 11th – the first half of the 12th centuries. However, only individual changes occurred in the material culture of the population which remained in this territory. The situation after the Mongol invasion was completely different. The Mongols and Kipchaks occupied the floodplain of the Volga and Kama and stayed there on a seasonal basis, and since the middle of the 14th century constantly remained in the area. Settlements of the ‘Peschanyj ostrov’ type near their migration areas first originated from migrants from the Perm Cis-Urals (last third of the 13th century), and in the 14th century, were partially replenished with the inhabitants of Bolgar and Russian captives.


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How to Cite

Rudenko , K. A. (2022). Floodplain Settlements of the Western Trans-Kama in the 11th – Early 15th Centuries and the Nomads. Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (3), 175–180. https://doi.org/10.24852/2587-6112.2022.3.175.180



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